Five people who identify as zebras who have EDS

We are all Zebras, not Horses.

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is one of the most underdiagnosed invisible illnesses of the 21st century. It’s time everyone knows why this genetic disease needs to be known.

The story focuses on how people live with an invisible illness and the ways they cope.

The medical system is broken. It shouldn't take years to get a diagnosis. Most people who have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome know someone else who has it. It's not as rare as people might think. In this documentary, we uncover why the system doesn't work for patients who have hard to piece together diagnoses.

The stories in this documentary are real. Each person bravely shared their stories in hopes more will better understand what it is like to have an invisible chronic illness.

While Zebras have an exhausted existence. We will share their stories loud for all to hear.